L’Ambasciata d’Italia condivide profondamente il dolore del popolo Thailandese per la scomparsa di Sua Maestà il Re Bhumibol Adulyadej, amatissimo Re di Thailandia.
In questo spirito l’Ambasciata informa che tutti i prossimi eventi di intrattenimento del Festival Italiano in Thailandia 2016 sono stati cancellati.
Restano confermate la conferenza sull’archeologia e concerti classici, con repertorio adeguato alle circostanze.
INFO: Facebook Italian Festival Thailand
The Embassy of Italy deeply shares the grief of Thai People for the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the most beloved King of Thailand.
In this spirit the Embassy informs that all upcoming entertaining events of the Italian Festival in Thailand 2016 have been cancelled.
The archeology conference and classical concerts are confirmed, with repertoire appropriate to the circumstances.
INFO: Facebook Italian Festival Thailand