The Schengen visa (type C) allows access both in Italy and in the other Schengen countries for transit or short stays (up to 90 days).
The visa application must be lodged at the Consulate of the Member State whose territory constitutes the sole destination of the visit(s); if the visit includes more than one destination, or if several separate visits are to be carried out within a period of two months, the visa application must be lodged at the Consulate of the Member State whose territory constitutes the main destination in terms of the length of stay (counted in days), or the purpose of stay. If the visit involves a stay of equal duration in different Member States, the visa application must be lodged at the Consulate of the Member State whose external border the applicant intends to cross in order to enter the Schengen territory.
Pursuant to Art. 9 of the Visa Code, visa applications must be lodged no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended visit. Visa applications lodged after this time limit are inadmissible.
Visa applications must be lodged at one of the VACs (Visa Application Centre) operated by VFS Global (Thailand), the external service provider contractually appointed by the Embassy of Italy in Bangkok to collect Schengen visa applications in Thailand and Cambodia.
Currently, VFS Global operates VACs in Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai for Thailand, and a VAC in Phnom Penh for Cambodia.
The appointment to lodge the visa application at the chosen VAC must be reserved through the website of the external service provider:
The same website also provides checklists of required documents according to the type of visa requested, the application form as well as information on the consular fees to be paid for the issuing of the entry visa and the price list of services provided by VFS Global.
Further information may be requested by contacting the VFS Call Center at the phone number +66 (0) 24607059 or by writing an email to
Foreign citizens residing in Laos who intend to apply for a Schengen visa for Italy may refer to the German Embassy in Vientiane according to the bilateral representation arrangement established between Italy and Germany.
Further information is available at the following link:
Family members of EU citizens identified by Art. 2 of Legislative Decree 30/2007 who accompany or join the Italian or EU citizen can lodge the visa application directly at the Visa Office of the Embassy of Italy in Bangkok without appointment during public opening hours.
Possessing a Schengen Visa does not confer automatic right of entry in the Schengen territory. Border Police authorities are entitled to carry out checks and possibly deny entry to foreign citizens failing to present documentation pertaining to the aim of stay and proving that all visa requirements are met (such as return airplane ticket, hotel reservation, cash, credit cards, health insurance, etc.).