Diplomatic Chancery (40th floor)
Tel: +66-2-250 4970
Fax: +66-2-250 4985
e-mail: ambasciata.bangkok@esteri.it
Address enabled exclusively for receiving certified electronic mail (CEM): amb.bangkok@cert.esteri.it
Opening hours to the public: Monday to Friday by appointment
Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission
Francesca BLASONE
First Secretary
Andrea CONTI
Consular Office (27th floor)
Head of Section: Mr. Andrea CONTI
Tel: +66-2-250 4970
Fax: +66-2-250 4988
e-mail: consolare.bangkok@esteri.it
N.B. This email address should NOT be used for inquiries and/or information on visas: please use the email listed below under “Visa Office”. Emails received with visa inquiries will not be considered.
Public opening hours of the Consular Section:
Monday through Friday from 09:30 to 12:30, Thursday also from 14:30 to 16:30.
N.B. Only by online appointment, except in emergencies and emergencies. An urgency fee may be charged for the latter.
Important Notice:
In view of the large number of e-mails received daily (including holidays), before sending an e-mail message, please carefully read the information and directions on this website and on www.viaggiaresicuri.it.
Visa Office (27th floor)
Tel: +66-2-250 4970
Fax: +66-2-250 4986
e-mail: bangkok.visti@esteri.it
Public opening hours of the Visa Section:
Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 12:00, Thursday also from 14:00 to 16:00.
For information on visa types, please visit the Visa Section and the VFS outsourcing agency website: http://www.vfsglobal.com/italy/thailand/
Economic and Commercial Office (40th floor)
Head of Section: Ms. Francesca BLASONE
Trade assistant: Ms. Marisa BELLINI
Tel.: +66-2-250 4970, ext. 222
Fax: +66-2-250 4985
e-mail: commerciale.bangkok@esteri.it
Cultural Office (40th floor)
Head of Section: Ms. Francesca BLASONE
Cultural assistant: Ms. Somsri POBPIPUGTRA
Tel.: +66-2-250 4976
Fax: +66-2-250 4985
e-mail: ufficioculturale.bangkok@esteri.it
Accounting and Administrative Office (40th floor)
Head of Section: Ms. Mara BORSERINI
Tel.: +66-2-250 4970
Fax: +66-2-250 4985
e-mail: contabilita.bangkok@esteri.it
Agriculture and Environment Attaché (40th floor)
Mr. Roberto MOLTENI
Tel.: +66-2-250 4970, ext. 102
e-mail: bangkok.agricoltura@esteri.it
Security Attaché
Mr. Giorgio BUTINI
14/A th A floor, Bubhajit Building
20 North Sathorn Rd.
Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Tel / Fax: +66-2-6339396
Italian Trade Commission (ICE)
Director: Ms. Paola GUIDA
14/A piano A, edificio Bubhajit
20 North Sathorn Rd.
Bangkok 10500, Thailandia
fax: +66-2-6338494
e-mail: bangkok@ice.it
Sito web: www.ice.gov.it/paesi/asia/thailandia/index.htm
Calendar of holidays 2024:
1) 01/01/2024 NEW YEAR’S DAY
2) 26/02/2024 MAKHA BUCHA DAY
3) 01/04/2024 MONDAY OF THE ANGEL
4) 13/04/2024 SONGKRAN
5) 25/04/2024 LIBERATION
6) 01/05/2024 LABOUR DAY
7) 29/07/2024 KING’S BIRTHDAY
10) 12/25/2024 CHRISTMAS
11) 12/26/2024 SAINT STEPHEN’S DAY